Curried Fish Stew
A spicy combination of curried fish .This goes well with brown rice and light coconut milk . Benefits ingredients . .. Fish Fish is high in many important nutrients , including high quality protein , iodine and various vitamins and minerals .Fatty types of fish are also high in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Eating at least one serving of fish per week has been linked to reduced risk of heart attacks and strokes , two of the world's biggest killers . Brown rice Rich in Selenium : Brown rice is better than white - most of us know that ! Brown rice is rich in selenium which reduces the risk for developing common illnesses such as cancer , heart disease and arthritis . High in Manganese : One cup of brown rice provides 80% of our daily manganese helps the body synthesize fats .Manganese also benefits our nervous and reproductive systems . Promotes weigh loss : The fiber content of brown rice keeps bowel function at it's peak since it makes digestion that much easi...