Citrus Berry Smoothie

This meal in a glass smoothie is bursting with berries and orange juice , healthful sources of carbohydrate and powerful antioxidants .Getting plenty of antioxidant-rich foods makes sense for active people , since free radicals are produced any time the body's cells process oxygen .
Ingredients benefits
Berries : The antioxidants in berries can help your body fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals that can lead to illness .Eating a diet rich in antioxidants can help improve your health , protect your skin and hair , and prevent certain disease .All fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants , but nutrients -rich berries are some of the absolute bast source .
Vitamin C is another strong antioxidant found in berries .It is largely responsible for the health of collagen , which helps maintain cartilage stores and aids in joint flexibility .Eating vitamin C -rich berries will contribute to radiant skin and healthy hair , and may reduce the risk of arthritis , cataracts and macular degeneration .
Orange juice : Orange juice , as you can probably guess , is the juice squeezed from the popular and delicious citrus fruit, oranges .It is widely considered one of the healthiest beverages because of its wide range of health benefits , which include its ability to boost immune system function , reduce signs of aging , protect against cancer , boost cellular repair and metabolism , detoxify the body , improve circulation , improves blood pressure , reduces inflammation , and lowers cholesterol levels .
Plain yogurt : One cup of plain , nonfat yogurt contains up to 14 g of protein , one-fifth of most people's daily protein requirement .Yogurt offers a high amount of protein for just a few calories .Because protein helps satisfy hunger , consuming yogurt fills you up with less food and fewer calories .
Eat nonfat , plain yogurt that contains 'live' or 'active' cultures , if you are taking or have recently taking a round of antibiotics ,Antibiotics kill both healthy and harmful bacteria , leaving your body with fewer defenses against other possible in yogurt help refuel your body with healthy bacteria , minimizing the unhealthy effects of antibiotics .
Honey : One tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories , yet it has a healthy glycemic load around 10 for 1 tbsp , which is a little less than a banana , and does not cause a sugar spike and elevated insulin release like white sugar .Although honey is an affordable food , bees spend thousands of hours collecting pollen from around two million flowers to make one pound of pure honey .
Honey benefits include : A rich taste , high nutritional benefits , promotes the growth of good bacteria in the intestine , soothes and heals skin wounds , block free radicals , aids sleep , counters pollen allergies and reduce homocysteine levels to maintain a healthy heart .
Yield : 1 smoothie , about 2 cups
Time: 20 minutes
11/4 cups fresh berries
3/4 cup low-fat plain yogurt
1/2 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons nonfat dry milk
1 tablespoon toasted wheat germ
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Place berries , yogurt , orange juice , dry milk , wheat germ , honey and vanilla in a blender and blend until smooth .